Tuesday 21 August 2018

Configure Bug Template Shortcut on Microsoft TFS Dashboard

1. Go to Microsoft TFS Project Dashboard.

2. Click 'Edit Dashboard' button.

3. Add 'Markdown' widget.

4. Click 'Configure Widget' button.

5. Remove content from 'Custom markdown' box.

6. Enter below content, paste Bug Template Link as per TFS Project.

Bug Template Shortcut
- [Bug Template]({Bug Template Link})

7. Click 'Save' button.

8. Click 'Close Edit Mode' button.

9. Bug Template Shortcut is ready to use from Dashboard.

Monday 20 August 2018

Use of Microsoft TFS Bug Template

Detail Information about Elements from Bug Template

Bug Title

Format of the Bug Title is: [Topic / Product Backlog Item / Functionality]_Short and Clear Description

Topic / Product Backlog Item / Functionality Example:

• Create Patient
• Patient Demographics
• Intake
• In-Patient Workflow


Environment: Development | Test | Acceptance | Production


• Development: Development environment
• Test: System Integration / Regression test environment
• Acceptance: User Acceptance Test environment
• Production: Production environment

Login Credentials:

Used Login Credentials, other preconditions known at that time (Patient ID, Patient Name, Organization Name, Hospital Name)

Device on which the issue has been detected->Mobile Phone, OS Version, App Version

Browser name and version

Clear and Detail Bug Description such as Application Behavior.


Steps To Reproduce:
The steps performed to reproduce the issue including screenshots. If the issue is not reproducible, this should also be described.

Expected Result:
When taking into account the performed steps and involved requirements, what result was expected ?

Outcome / Screenshots:

What was the actual result when the steps were executed ?
Screenshot of entire window with clear highlights / markings


Final Root cause:
A short description of the final root cause of the BUG

Fixed in Revision / Software release:
Describe the Application / Software revision(s) in which the issue has been fixed. Don’t forget to add the BUG number + description to the revision, when committing the fix on version control software like SVN.

What was changed and why:
Describe what was changed to fix the issue and why this was changed. This can also contain any design/architectural decisions made during the fix.

Impact Area / Modules:
Describe the impact area / modules where Bug fix may change some functionalities.

TFS fields

Default value is 3 - Medium.

Solution Version(s):
The version(s) on which the issue has been detected. Use Solution Version like last version: 2.6.2 Build, for multiple solutions versions use semicolon to separate versions.

How to add Template while creating / reporting new Bug

1. Go to Microsoft TFS > Work.

2. Select 'New Work Item' > Pin 'Bug' Item.

3. Click 'Bug' from Work.

4. Click 'Templates' button.

5. Select configured Bug Template.

6. Automatically Bug Template elements will be copied in new Bug.

Sunday 19 August 2018

Microsoft TFS Bug Template

Reasons to have a Bug Process including a template:

- In practice the 'Steps to Reproduce' section is used the most when registering and administrating Bugs.
- Consistent way of working in development team
- Improve impact analysis process during planning sessions
- Improve development process fixing Bugs
- Improve testing by having complete information

Steps to Configure Bug Template:

  1. Go to Microsoft TFS.
  2. Go to new BUG.
  3. In 'Bug Title' > Paste > [Topic / Product Backlog Item / Functionality]_Short and Clear Description
  4. In 'STEPS TO REPRODUCE' > Paste below content.

·         Environment: Development | Test | Acceptance | Production
·         Login Credential:
·         Device: NA
·         Browser: NA
·         Description:


·         Steps To Reproduce:
·         Expected Result:
·         Outcome / Screenshots:
  1. In 'ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA' > Paste below content.

·         Final Root cause:
·         Fixed in Revision / Software release:
·         What was changed and why:
·         Impact Area / Modules:
  1. Click 'Templates' button.
  2. Click 'Capture' button.

  3. Enter Bug Template Name & Description.
  4. Click 'x' button from 'Iteration Path' and 'Severity', so that Bug Template will be applied to current TFS Project, not across current Iteration.
  5. Click 'Save' button.

Edit Bug Template

  1. Go to Bug.
  2. Click 'Templates' button > Click 'Manage' button.

  3. TFS Project > Bug Templates page will load.

  4. Click 'Edit' button and do required changes
  5. Click 'Save' button. These changes will be available in Bug Template.
  6. Click 'Copy link' button & follow Configure Bug Template Shortcut on TFS Dashboard